What do the iOS 12 App Store updates mean for your application?
Since 2008, the world has seen how the App Store has revolutionized the way software is bought and sold. This year, the App Store turns ten; in a decade, Apple has created a new business ecosystem and opened the doors to countless emerging industries. With the App Store attracting more than 500 million weekly users, the mobile application development industry is stronger than ever and the release of iOS 12 last week reveals some significant changes to complement the redesign of last year. The aesthetic changes in the iOS 12 App Store application are not noticed, but the owners of the mobile apps should be aware of the changes in the discovery capability of the product in this version. The changes over the last two years are indicative of Apple's strategic plan to improve the overall user experience of the App Store. With iOS 11, the strategy focused on making applications easier to find; with iOS 12, Apple makes the search for applications personal. This is what you need to ...